Rolex in the area of superior and complicated useful timepieces will be in a respected place .

Working Hours:

The Library shall be kept open Mon – Fri 8.00 AM to 8:00 PMSaturday 08:00 AM to 4:00 PM,Sunday 9:00 AM to 1.00 PM The timings for Issue and return of books from 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM and 10:15 AM to 6:30 PM

Admission to the Library:

  • Any outside visitor is not permitted to use the Library facilities.
  • Before entering the Library a visitor shall be required to write his/her Roll no. and Signature, timing in the “Visitors Register” provided at the security counter.
  • Display of I D Card on person is compulsory in the Library

Deposit of Personal belongs at the property counter:

  • All personal belongings shall be left at the property counter
  • When the depositor leaves the Library he/she must take out their belongings deposited at the property counter

Procedures for enrolment and privileges of the members:

All the Staff and Students are eligible as member of the Library by signing a membership registration form. The following shall be imposed on issue of books to an individual for use: Faculty Members : 8 No.s B.Tech. Students  : 3 No.s M.Tech., M C A & M B A : 4 No.s

Each member shall be provided reader’s Pass Book for borrowing books To Issue/Return, Members are required to be present in person The borrower shall verify the condition of the book at the time of its issue Reference books must be referred in the Library only. Librarian may recall any book at any time even before the due date of thenormal Period.

The Circulation of Micro Documents(CD) will be issued for a period of 7 days. Current issues of Journals/Magazines shall not be issued. Back volumes can be borrowed for a period of 7 days

  • Markings, writings and tearing of pictures or pages are absolutely forbidden.
  • The borrower will be held responsible for any loss or damage or piracy.
  • All books without any exemption shall be returned for the annual stock Verification.

Renewal & Overdue:

Renewal of the book is compulsory. A book may be renewed at most one time only. Borrowers shall return all the borrowed books before going to vacation/leave/outstation duty. A Member should obtain “No Dues Certificate’’ from the Library after surrendering all books with him/her and paying outstanding dues, if any, while leaving the College. Any book lost or mutilated shall be replaced by a new copy of the same book or the borrower shall pay the double the cost of such a book. An overdue charge of Rs.1/- per book per day shall be levied for books not returned by the due date.

Inter-Library Loan:

1. Books and other reading material not available in the Library may be procured for the use of the Readers on inter-library loan
    basis from other libraries as far as possible.

2. Similarly reading materials may be lent out to other Libraries when a request is received by our Library.

3. The reading material especially books/Journal volumes procured on inter-library Loan will not ordinarily be issued to a      
     member to carry outside the Library.

Reprography Facility:

  • Request for photo copy of publication which is available in the Library shall be provided with a reasonable cost.
  • Photo copying facilities which are primarily meant for dissemination of Scientific information are to be used judiciously and economically.
  • The specific purpose for which copies are required should invariably be Mentioned.

General Rules:

  • All readers are required to maintain perfect silence and discipline in the Library.
  • Proper decorum should be maintained inside the Library. Usage of Cell Phone Smoking, Sleeping inside the library is strictly prohibited.
  • Any infringement of Library rules may lead to the withdrawal of membership privileges.
  • These Library rules may be altered or amended and new rules may be added to the existing ones by the recommendation of the Principal/the Library Committee/ Librarian from time to time depending on the exigencies.
Admissions for 2024 is now open for details visit here || Notice regarding last date for payment of tuition fee for the year 2024-25|| Hostels- Separate secured hostel facilities are available for both boys and girls|| Please send student academic/student background verifications to Enquiry Phone No. 0866-2582333 (Ext. No. 106,116) ||
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