Rolex in the area of superior and complicated useful timepieces will be in a respected place .

Department of English

The Department of English was established along with the institution. Since its inception in the year 1977, the department has been striving hard striding its way to acquiring academic excellence in making the students linguistically aware and communicatively competent. Culled from various specializations, the members of faculty undertake active research while adroitly executing the pedagogic operations. In addition, the department is actively engaged in the organization of various Literary, Cultural, Patriotic, Nationalistic and such other Skill Based, Memory based, Knowledge based and Fine-art based activities amply facilitating the process of producing Rounded Professionals.


To Produce Professionals who are Progressive in Orientation, Pertinacious in ‘Industry’, Perspicacious in Perception and Perspicuous in Persona who carve themselves into linguistically and conceptually resourceful beings.


Grooming professionals in such a fashion that they
• imbibe Materialistic, Ideological and Intellectual honesty
• inculcate the spirit of rational enquiry
• develop a holistic perception for deftly balancing the elements of educational realization
• put in pragmatic and proactive endeavours for offering whim-free academic and professional contributions
• become oriented for being global citizens without prejudice to nationalistic commitment

‘Education Personifies Being ’

Admissions for 2024 is now open for details visit here || Notice regarding last date for payment of tuition fee for the year 2024-25|| Hostels- Separate secured hostel facilities are available for both boys and girls|| Please send student academic/student background verifications to Enquiry Phone No. 0866-2582333 (Ext. No. 106,116) ||
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