Author: vrsec

Team delight (S.Hema Sri, P.Anil, Y.Saiand) and Team DHK (Y. Sri Deepak Phannendra, D.Hemanth sai, Ch. Venkata Kalyan) of 2/4 B.Tech CSE jointly won the 3rd Prize, AT Makeathon, Shaastra organized by the IITM

Team delight(S.Hema Sri, P.Anil, Y.Saiand) and Team DHK (Y. Sri Deepak Phannendra, D.Hemanth sai, Ch. Venkata Kalyan) of 2/4 B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering jointly won the 3rd Prize, AT Makeathon, Shaastra organized by the Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM).

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Internships during 2020-21

Internships during 2020-21 B.Tech (Computer Science and Engineering) S.No. Roll No. Name of the Student Name of the Company Stipend per Month in Rs. 1 178W1A0593 MOHAMMAD ASFIA MEHJABEEN Cisco Systems 60,000 2 178W1A05B5 VEERADA SAI PAVAN KALYAN Cisco Systems 60,000 3 188W5A0512 Y.KAVYA BHARATHI AMAZON 40,000 4 178W1A05D7 JYOTHIRMAI SAI SRI GELLI AMAZON 40,000 […]

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Events organized during 2020-21 S.No Type of Event Title + Resource Persons Dates Sponsoring Agency Target Audience 1 FDP Three Day Faculty Development Program on “Outcome Based Education: Importance of Outcomes, Assessment and Evaluation for Accreditation” Dr G Varaprasad Professor, Dept of CSE BMS College of Engineering Bangalore, Karnataka 14th – 16th August 2020 AICTE […]

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