Indian Concrete Institute (ICI)

Indian Concrete Institute (ICI)  

Indian Concrete Institute (ICI)-VRSEC-Student Chapter
About the Chapter
 “Indian Concrete Institute is one of the leading professional bodies in India, catering to the professional needs of individuals and organisations involved in Concrete. Being a non-profit Organisation, it is dedicated to the cause of Disseminating Knowledge on Concrete, to Promote Concrete Technology and Construction and to address the Research Needs of Concrete”.
 The ICI Student Chapter was inaugurated at VR-Siddhartha Engineering College on October 19th, 2019 for the nurturing of budding civil engineering professionals as a result of the incredible efforts of B.Tech 2015–19 students.
Objectives of the Chapter
 To bridge the gap between what we are learning in classroom and what is happening in site.
 To promote growth of concrete construction and its sub-specializations.
 ICI provides opportunity to listen to, and to interact with experts from within the country and abroad.
 To disseminate information and to arrange to train personnel for the needs of changing concepts in the technology.
 To collaborate with national and international agencies in creating better understanding of concrete construction technology.
 To identify R & D problems of practical relevance to concrete construction technology.
 To institute and distribute awards for outstanding achievements in concrete construction technology.
 To arrange periodical seminars and exhibitions on the subject and
 To arrange annual lecture series on selected topics of relevance to concrete constructions.
 Access to ICI Archives, which is a collection of valuable Technical Papers.
Responsibilities of Chapter officers
 One of the most important duties of the chapter Chairperson is finding enthusiastic and qualified members to serve as committee chairpersons. The Chairperson should strive to bring new people into the committee structure to provide training for future chapter leaders.
 Most chapters have an executive council, which includes elected chapter officers, the past Chairperson and, in many cases, the chairpersons of the standing committees. The chapter’s executive council is generally responsible for managing the chapter’s affairs (with the exception of electing officers and amending bylaws). It is essential for the executive council to be open to the suggestions and feedback of the chapter membership, and should always be open to offers of help.
The Chapter President:
 The chapter Chairperson has the overall responsibility for developing chapter programs, for ensuring that plans and assignments are carried out, and for seeing that the chapter fulfills its obligations to the Association. The Chairperson should be familiar with the policies and procedures of the Association, with the chapter’s bylaws, and with the duties of all the other officers and committee Members.
The Chapter Vice President:
 The chapter Vice Chairperson should be prepared to assume the office of Chairperson or temporarily act in that position at any time. The Vice Chairperson should be familiar with the duties and responsibilities of the Chairperson, and of the other elected officers and committee chairpersons.
The Chapter Secretary & Chapter Treasurer:
 (This position may be combined with the chapter secretary’s responsibilities)
 The chapter’s financial management and operation are of great importance to the Association. The chapter Treasurer is responsible for the fiscal operation and reporting of the chapter, and of all committees and programs established by the chapter.
The Faculty Coordinator:
 The Student Chapter Coordinator shall be generally responsible for the activities of the Chapter. Specifically, the Coordinator helps provide continuity from year to year as student leadership and personnel change; promotes good student-faculty relationships; helps maintain university standards in all activities of the Chapter; and exercises financial supervision, if necessary, by promoting prompt payment of bills and collection of dues and overseeing the settlement of all accounts in the event of dissolution of the Chapter


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