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CO- PO Attainment

Attainment of Outcomes:

  • The Program Outcomes (POs) and Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs) are accomplished through curriculum
  • Course Outcomes (COs) are defined for each course and they are mapped to POs and PSOs.
  • A set of performance evaluation criteria is used for quantitative assessment of COs
  • Thus the attainment of COs provides an evidence of attainment of POs and PSOs.

Following are the different methods for Assessment, Evaluation and Measurement of POs/PSOs 

  • Direct Assessment methods
  • Indirect Assessment methods

Direct Assessment methods :

  • Continuous Assessment: COs are assessed through Sessional & Assignment Examinations, Home Assignments and Lab records. The COs are mapped against each question and CO analysis is carried out by faculty for each course and documented in Faculty Course Assessment Report (FCAR). The contribution of COs are assessed in  high, moderate and low levels, towards the attainment of POs/PSOs.
  • Semester-end Theory Examinations: The questions in semester-end examinations are tested pertaining to all COs, in varying Blooms Taxonomy Levels.
  • Laboratory Records:  Both continuous and semester-end examinations are conducted to test the COs attainment.

Indirect Assessment Methods:

  • Programme – Exit survey: This survey taken from the final year  students at the completion of their B.Tech programme, stands as the comprehensive feedback for the PO/PSO assessment
  • Alumni Survey : This survey is conducted annually through Google link or mail with the Alumni to obtain the inputs and suggestions on PO attainment in the real time societal environment
  • Employer Survey: This survey is taken from the employer to measure the PO attainments.

In addition, the institution takes the Placement record and higher education details of the students as supporting evidences for the assessment of POs.

Attainments of POs and COs:

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